Cuts and Style

Different Types of Clipper Guards

Different types of clipper guards in professional styling process

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Have you ever wondered why your barber switches attachments on their clippers before giving you a haircut? Those attachments are called clipper guards, and they’re meant to get the hair length just right, whether you want a close buzz or a bit more fluff.

Clipper guards come in various sizes and materials, each suited for different haircut styles and lengths.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of clipper guards available, from the basic ones that most people use at home to more specialized types that professionals love.

Types of Clipper Guards Available

Clipper guards are essential for achieving various hair lengths and styles, and they come in a range of types suited to different cutting needs.

We will look at different clipper guards categorized into standard and specialty ones.

Standard Clipper Guards

Standard guards are fundamental in fine hair cutting, enabling trainees and professional stylists to achieve consistent hair lengths quickly. They are typically numbered from #0 to #8, each indicating a specific length of hair that will remain after cutting.

If you want to learn the sizes of these standard guards and their typical uses, click the post.

These guards are designed to snap onto the clipper’s blade easily, providing a secure fit that guarantees the blade cuts only to the specified length, which is crucial for achieving uniform haircuts.

Their rigid construction minimizes the chance of bending or buckling, which can lead to uneven cuts.

Practical Knowledge and effective use of these standard clipper guards can make the process much easier and lead to better results for anyone learning to cut hair or maintaining their hairstyle between professional cuts.

They are essential in barbering and hairstyling, enabling quick adjustments and versatility in hair length management.

Next are the various specialty guards, including magnetic guards, ear taper guards, and long-size guards. Each type serves a particular purpose in the haircutting toolkit.

Magnetic Guards

Magnetic clipper guards are a popular choice among professional barbers. These guards use magnets to secure the clipper more firmly to the blades, providing excellent stability during cutting.

They are particularly favored for their robust attachment, preventing them from unintentionally detaching or shifting during use.

Magnetic guards are handy for detailed work and fine haircut adjustments that require exact length maintenance throughout the styling process.

Ear Taper Guards

These are designed for cutting around the ears. They are angled to fit comfortably around the ear, making achieving a clean line and even length easier in these difficult areas.

They help barbers and stylists achieve precise edges and tapers without risking nicks or uneven cuts near these sensitive areas.

Ear taper guards are vital for attaining professional-looking results, especially in styles where the hair around the ears needs to blend seamlessly with the rest of the haircut.

Large Size Guards

Beyond standard #8, these guards can cut hair up to 1.25 inches or more. They are ideal for clients who prefer a lengthy buzz cut or wish to maintain volume while still using clippers for trimming.

Large guards are less common but highly useful for specific styles or longer hair and needs. These provide flexibility for barbers and clients looking to manage longer hair efficiently.

Materials Used in Clipper Guards and Their Benefits

Clipper guards are primarily made from plastic or metal, each offering unique benefits based on the user’s needs.


Plastic material is favoured for its versatility and affordability. Their lightweight nature makes them easy to handle, reducing fatigue during long grooming sessions.

Being non-conductive, plastic material remains cool, providing comfort. They are also easier to attach and remove and convenient for frequent size changes.


Though less common, metallic is valued for its durability and precision. They fit tightly on clipper blades, providing more stability and accurate cuts.

They are necessary for professional settings working on complex hairstyles. Metals are more durable than plastic but may heat up continuously.


What is the difference between metal and plastic clipper guards?

Metal and plastic clipper guards offer different benefits based on their material properties. Plastic guards are lighter and don’t heat up as much as metal, making them comfortable for long sessions and easy to handle, especially for beginners.
On the other hand, metal guards are more durable and provide a more stable and precise cut, which professionals prefer for their longevity and robustness.

How often should I replace my clipper guards?

The frequency of replacing clipper guards depends on their usage and the signs of wear and tear. Plastic guards may need to be replaced more frequently if they show cracks or significant wear that could affect their performance.
Metal guards typically last longer but should be checked regularly for any signs of damage. Regular cleaning and proper storage will also extend the life of your clipper guards.

Can I use clipper guards from one brand with another brand’s clippers?

Generally, clipper guards are only sometimes compatible across different brands due to variations in design and attachment mechanisms. To ensure proper fit and function, it’s best to use guards made specifically for your clipper model. Some brands might offer adapters or universal guards, but checking compatibility before use is crucial.

Cuts and Style
Cuts and Style
At Cuts and Style, we help readers create personalized hairstyles and self-grooming using the best haircut tools. With a deep knowledge of the barbering industry, we bring our expertise on day-to-day tools to meet the needs of wise hair-clipper users. We are offering insights and advice beyond the ordinary. Whether it's sharing advice on the latest trends, hacks, tips, or a selection of top hair care products, we are dedicated to guiding those seeking the perfect blend of style to look good and, in turn, feel good. Join us on this journey where cutting and styling hair is a skill.
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